Unix / Epoch Hex Timestamp Conversions

The tool on the page helps to calculate epoch clock time from hexadecimal timestamp and hex timestamp to the millisecond timestamp. Hex timestamp will be re-presented in seconds, milliseconds. Hex epoch timestamp in seconds, milliseconds and nanoseconds can be converted to date timestamp.

Convert Hex timestamp to human-readable date and vice versa

Supports Epoch timestamps in seconds, milliseconds, microseconds and nanoseconds.

Assuming that this timestamp is in :




Current Time Zone


































A day is unity, or 1, and any fraction thereof can be shown with digits to the right of the hexadecimal separator. So the day begins at midnight with .0000 and one hexadecimal second after midnight is .0001. Noon is .8000 (one half), one hexadecimal second before was .7FFF and one hexadecimal second before next midnight will be .FFFF.
Also we have an other most useful tool which is used to calculate the date-time difference here.

More About Hex Timestamp conversions
A hex timestamp is a representation of a specific point in time using a hexadecimal (base 16) number. It is similar to other timestamp formats, such as epoch time and Unix timestamp, which use a decimal (base 10) representation of time. The main advantage of using a hex timestamp is that it requires less space to store the same amount of time information compared to decimal timestamps.

A hex timestamp can be easily converted to and from other timestamp formats using built-in functions in programming languages such as Python, JavaScript, and C. For example, in Python, you can use the time module to convert a decimal timestamp to a hex timestamp and vice versa.

To convert a decimal timestamp to a hex timestamp, you can use the following formula:

Hex timestamp = hex(decimal timestamp)

For example, to convert the decimal timestamp "1596245580" to a hex timestamp, you would use the following calculation:

Hex timestamp = hex(1596245580) = "0x5f22a17c"

To convert a hex timestamp to a decimal timestamp, you can use the following formula:

Decimal timestamp = int(hex timestamp, 16)

For example, to convert the hex timestamp "0x5f22a17c" to a decimal timestamp, you would use the following calculation:

Decimal timestamp = int("0x5f22a17c", 16) = 1596245580

It's also possible to use libraries such as bigint.js for JavaScript, that allows to handle large numbers and perform conversion between different numeral systems.

In addition to the space savings, hex timestamps also have other advantages. For example, they can be used to create unique IDs for resources, such as database records, that are generated based on the time of creation. They can also be used to encode timestamps in a more secure way, as hexadecimal numbers are less predictable than decimal numbers.

In conclusion, hex timestamps are a useful alternative to traditional timestamp formats, such as epoch time and Unix timestamp. They can save space, and offer other advantages such as unique ID generation and encoding timestamps in a more secure way.
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