Unix / Epoch Timestamp Conversion Tools


Convert Epoch time / Unix timestamp to date or ISO date vice versa

Supports Epoch timestamps in seconds, milliseconds, microseconds and nanoseconds Or Any valid date time string.

Assuming that given input is a date-time string:



 Invalid Date

Current Time Zone ( GMT +00:00 )


 Invalid Date


 Invalid Date



 Invalid Date

ISO Format ( ISO-8601 )


 Invalid Date



























Unix dates for the start and end of the year/month/week/day










What is Unix/Epoch Timestamp ?

The Unix Epoch Timestamp is simply a representation of time in seconds or milliseconds. It measures the time elapsed since January 1st, 1970, at UTC (or GMT) to any particular moment, expressed in seconds (or milliseconds), and is referred to as the timestamp of that instance. The timestamp exclusively represents the time in UTC . Some systems present the time as a 32-bit integer, which may lead to an issue on January 19, 2038 (also known as Y2038). The efficient tool on this page will assist you in converting timestamps from seconds (10-digit), milliseconds (13-digit) and microseconds (16-digit) into human-readable DateTime.

About ISO 8601 date and time

ISO 8601 is a date and time notation format defined by ISO as an international standard. The date and time are connected by "T" and written. The time zone is expressed as "+09:00" as the difference time from UTC, and in the case of UTC, it is expressed as "Z". Separate seconds and milliseconds with a comma (,) or dot (.). DenCode omits milliseconds when milliseconds are 000. ISO 8601 comes in several formats.

Online Unix Time Conversion Tool Usages

The tool in this page will allow you do all the basic and advanced time conversions like unix time to iso date-time string, human readable date time string in UTC timezone and you current timezone. The online unix time conversion tool has feature to convert human readable time with timezone to milli-second and seconds timestamps.
The Unix timestamp conversion with all the timezones will be available here in timezone converter tool

Why Unix timestamp is needed?

Unix/Epoch timestamp gives a unique representation of the date-time around worldwide. It always represents the date-time at GMT (Greenwich Mean Time Zone) or UTC. The different location times will be obtained from the time difference to the GTM.

The other alternative for timestamps to use in programming is ISO-String, but even the ISO-string are generic for all the timezones. The conversion of the date string to a different timezone is not as simple as converting the timestamp.

For Example, If the timestamp value is 1577923200 then,

  • At GMT, the time is Thursday, January 2nd 2020, 00:00:00 GMT+00:00
  • At India/Kolkata, the time is Thursday, January 2nd 2020, 05:30:00 GMT+05:30
  • At America/New_York, the time is Wednesday, January 1st 2020, 19:00:00 GMT-5:00
More About Timestamp conversions
Timestamp conversion is a crucial aspect of working with date and time in computer systems. Whether you're a developer, data scientist, or just someone who needs to keep track of time, understanding the different timestamp formats and how to convert between them is important. In this blog post, we'll delve into the most commonly used timestamp formats: epoch time, Unix timestamp, and ISO time string, as well as the importance of timestamp converters.

Epoch time, also known as Unix time or POSIX time, is the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970. This format is often used in programming and scripting languages, as it is easy to work with and compare. Epoch time is represented as a simple integer and is commonly used in Unix-based systems, such as Linux and macOS. One of the key advantages of using epoch time is that it is a universal and consistent format, making it easy to compare timestamps across different systems.

A Unix timestamp, on the other hand, is the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970, but represented in a specific format. This format is typically a 32-bit integer or 64-bit integer, depending on the system. The Unix timestamp format is widely used in programming languages such as PHP, Python, and JavaScript. One of the advantages of using Unix timestamps is that it is a compact format, which is useful for applications that need to store timestamps in a small amount of memory.

An ISO time string is a standardized format for representing date and time, following the ISO 8601 standard. This format is often used for exchanging date and time information between systems, as it is human-readable and easily parseable. ISO time strings are represented in the format of "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS" and can include time zone information. One of the key advantages of using ISO time strings is that it is a standard format which is recognized internationally, making it easy to exchange date and time information between different countries and regions.

With all these different timestamp formats, it's essential to have a tool that can convert between them. Timestamp converters are readily available online and can be very useful when working with timestamps in different formats. These tools can convert between epoch time, Unix timestamp, and ISO time string formats, allowing you to work with the format that best suits your needs.

In conclusion, understanding the different timestamp formats and how to convert between them is crucial when working with date and time in computer systems. Epoch time, Unix timestamp, and ISO time string are the most commonly used formats and each have their own advantages. Having a timestamp converter tool on your website can also be a valuable resource for your users.
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